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Each product is meticulously crafted to match your preferences, taking 2 to 3 weeks for manufacturing and quality checking. Shipment from India to your address typically takes 1 week, making the total delivery time approximately 30 days.
Our products are expertly manufactured in India by experienced crafters, ensuring high-quality craftsmanship in every piece.

You can contact us via email or WhatsApp. Additionally, you can speak directly with our designers for customization options.

We use organdy fabric for our embroidery, combined with high-quality Anger threads to ensure superior stitches and durability.

Recommended Hand Washing Instructions for Optimal Garment Care

We strongly advise hand washing over machine washing for maintaining the quality and longevity of your garments. Follow these steps for the best results:

  • Soak: Immerse the garment in soap water at a temperature of 25 to 30 degrees Celsius for 10 minutes.
  • Rub: Gently rub each part of the garment with another part of the cloth for 1 minute.
  • Rinse: Rinse the garment in water at a temperature of 25 to 30 degrees Celsius for 5 minutes.
  • Dry: Hang the garment to dry. Ensure that you iron the garment before it is completely dry.
  • Iron: Use normal heat settings on the ironing machine to finish the process.

Following these steps will help ensure your garments remain in excellent condition